Web Design SEO Glossary U




Web Design SEO Glossary U

by | Jul 5, 2016 | Web Design & SEO Glossary

An unequivocal web design, SEO and graphic design glossary

URL – Uniform Resource Locator
The standard way write a website’s or a web page’s address that includes the domain name. An URL example is “https://www.imcd.com”.

Unique Visitors
An individual website visitor who accessed a web site. A unique visitor can create several “user sessions” by visiting a website multiple times.

Unreliable Information
Information found on Internet websites may misrepresent the truth, be out-of-date, prejudice or just incorrect. Websites have been created to track down “Internet myths” that manage to survive for years due to chain emails and the boredom/creativity of the cubicle work world [the cubicle piece of information may possibly misrepresent the truth – Editor].

Unsolicited Email
Unrequested email, usually marketing or advertising material. AKA spam.

The action of transferring a file from a local or client computer to a remote or web server computer.

User Agent
Software applications used to access Web content that includes desktop graphical browsers, text browsers, voice browsers, mobile phones, multimedia players, and plug-ins. Browsers are one type of user agents.

User Session
One instance of an Internet visitor accessing your website for a length of time and then leaving. Any amount of web pages may be accessed during each user session. Typically, a user session is considered ended once a half hour of inactivity has elapsed, however the 30 minutes is arbitrary and can be changed.

User Style Sheet
A style sheet created by a web user and stored on their computer to override a browser’s default style sheets as well as website style sheets. User style sheets are generally used to help impaired people, such as the visually challenged (that has to do with their vision, not their style of dress or the way they look) by overriding the font size and making it larger and sans serif.


About IMCD Website Design

IMCD's website designs readily assists clients to gain footage in the race to the top of search engine marketing. Since 1996, IMCD has been creating award-winning, successful websites for professionals from many business fields.

Our award-winning web designer brings a 30-year background in photography and design to our clients. His resume includes work with Fortune 100 & 500 companies in Los Angeles and New York.

For more information about how our web design and development company can help your business, call IMCD at 1-877-999-4623.


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IMCD Web Design was established in 1996 and is a professional web design company providing affordable business & real estate web design and development services for real estate agent websites and business websites. IMCD Websites are built utilizing the latest Mobile Responsive Web Design technology while also being SEO friendly.

IMCD Web Design

Phone: 303-688-1331
Toll Free: 877-999-4623

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