Is Your Real Estate Website Failing To Use A 100 Year Old Marketing Technique?




Is Your Real Estate Website Failing To Use A 100 Year Old Marketing Technique?

by | Sep 8, 2008 | Real Estate Website Marketing

How can a 100 year old (or older) marketing technique help you create or boost your real estate agent website, image or personal brand? The quirks of homebuyers’ and sellers’ curiosity are as strong and influential on the marketing process now as they were 100 years ago.

Often overlooked is how to present your professional expertise with the marketing technique called “pre-emptive advantage”. Claude Hopkins, one of the marketing wizards of the early 20th century used this simple technique to improve the market share of his clients. The pre-emptive advantage is simply be the first real estate agent in your area that tells your potential clients what you do … that all the other agents do also. The key is to tell it first and in such an educational way the buying public has the sense that you just let them in on your “insider” marketing news.

People love the inside scoop – information that you see as day-to-day services that every agent does may well be assistance that most people utilizing your real estate services are not aware of. IMCD Web Design coaches its clients to use this simple but effective marketing technique on their “About Us” page and versions of it on the home page. By telling your potential clients what you do for home buyers and sellers, you are educating them in why they appreciate what you do. Don’t assume your clients are aware of all the hard work you put into their real estate deal – you need to spell it out in your marketing.

You can easily double the mileage from your pre-emptive advantage marketing by sprinkling customer testimonials throughout your story of all the steps you take to insure your clients’ success. The story format is also a time tested way of increasing a person’s curiosity and interest in what your professional expertise can do for them.

In building your story, test market various aspects with your customers when you are talking to them about their pending home sale or purchase. Those aspects of your work that elicit the most surprise or appreciation are great material for your image-building marketing campaign. A home is quite likely both a long-time and important investment for your customer. They want to know as much as possible about the benefits they will receive from working with you.

And lastly, don’t worry about the length of your marketing piece, if you write it in such a way that all your hard work is about your customer, people will read every last word that is written about them. This technique also fulfills one of the requirements of a successful real estate website design: Establish trustworthiness and credibility.


About IMCD Website Design

IMCD’s website designs readily assists clients to gain footage in the race to the top of search engine marketing. Since 1996, IMCD has been creating award-winning, successful websites for professionals from many business fields.

Our award-winning web designer brings a 30-year background in photography and design to our clients. His resume includes work with Fortune 100 & 500 companies in Los Angeles and New York.

For more information about how our web design and development company can help your business, call IMCD at 1-877-999-4623.


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