Real Estate Web Design Helps Internet Marketing




Real Estate Web Design Helps Internet Marketing

by | Sep 10, 2009 | Real Estate Web Design

Every real estate web design finds two givens in any Internet marketing campaign. The first is that online marketing competition for any particular real estate market is commensurate with the profit derived from ranking high in the search engine results for that market. The second is without the proven techniques of Internet marketing used in professional real estate web design, a website will not be able to enter the online competition.

What is at stake? With the growing trend of home buyers turning to the Internet first to search for available property and home sellers researching real estate agents and brokerage firms online, the future market leaders will all have dominant visibility on the search engines. The Internet has proven a boon to start-up companies for its blindness to the size of companies and its tendency to level the playing field, where traditional areas of market might are insignificant and online market might counts for everything.

Follow the cause – effect sequence, 80% of potential clients are searching for real estate services online and will work with real estate agents they find online. Real estate agent websites that are buried deep in the search engine results will be relying on word of mouth and traditional print advertising. Traditional print advertising only accounts for 15% of your potential market’s search habits.

IMCD has built a successful real estate web design business creating effective websites for real estate agents and brokers. Their real estate websites have achieved high search engine visibility and the resultant competitive edge – capturing the attention the 80% slice of the real estate market pie.

Increase the return on investment of your Internet marketing efforts. Contact IMCD’s sales team about a real estate web design that will keep your real estate company competitive in the ever increasing online real estate market. IMCD has a wide spectrum of web designs from custom real estate websites to template-based semi-custom real estate web designs to meet your Internet marketing investment needs and improve your online presence. Position your company today for the real estate deals of tomorrow!


About IMCD Website Design

IMCD’s website designs readily assists clients to gain footage in the race to the top of search engine marketing. Since 1996, IMCD has been creating award-winning, successful websites for professionals from many business fields.

Our award-winning web designer brings a 30-year background in photography and design to our clients. His resume includes work with Fortune 100 & 500 companies in Los Angeles and New York.

For more information about how our web design and development company can help your business, call IMCD at 1-877-999-4623.


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IMCD Web Design was established in 1996 and is a professional web design company providing affordable business & real estate web design and development services for real estate agent websites and business websites. IMCD Websites are built utilizing the latest Mobile Responsive Web Design technology while also being SEO friendly.

IMCD Web Design

Phone: 303-688-1331
Toll Free: 877-999-4623

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