Podcasting Technology for Realtors & Real Estate Websites




Podcasting Technology for Realtors & Real Estate Websites

by | Aug 6, 2009 | Real Estate Tech

Podcasting technology for real estate websites, and Realtors novice to the experience, is rather simple for beginning the process. Once you have your feet wet creating your podcasts on real estate news, great new listings or insights on the housing markets financial picture, you will appreciate what you might like in the way of technological upgrades. The best part is that podcasting technology works equally well on PCs or Macs – no new computer needed (unless this is the excuse you were looking for to upgrade to bigger and faster).

In a nutshell, the podcast simplest hardware set-up is use an external microphone plugged into your computer. With the use of software, you record you podcast and store the file on your computer’s hard drive. After recording, make any edits (to cut out a cough or statement you wish you hadn’t said) and save the audio file in the MP3 file format. Then using another software, possibly one on your computer or stored on your website server, upload the MP3 file to your website and create any links on your web page or blog entry to link to the MP3 file.

Breaking it down, first is the microphone. By all testing, an external mic captures the sound of your voice better than the ones provided with the computer. For software, keep it simple and download the free Audacity sound recording and editing software that works on Macs and PCs. As a Mac owner you may already own Garage Band, which does the job admirably well also.

Once you understand the basics and you cotton to the idea of using podcasts as a part of your real estate Internet marketing strategy, you can move into more professional recording devices. For under $250 you can get a professional low impedance microphone, small 4 input mixer board and headphones. Sennheiser E835, Shure SM 57 or 58, and Audix OM-2 all have good mics for around $100 – $150 (check Ebay!). A favorite mixer is either the Mackie or a Behringer – they both have excellent small mixers for great prices. The benefit of using a mixer is you can easily mix two mics and record interviews with other brokers, Realtors players in the local real estate market. Mixers also give your the capability of mixing in music at your intro and exit to add spice to your podcast. Then add a decent pair of headphones – unless you have them already for your stereo system.

Work with your real estate web designer or webmaster to make sure your blog is set up with the necessary plug-ins for podcasts. IMCD Web Design uses a popular blog platform that easily works with podcasts, so if you are already working with one of the industry greats, your segue from blogging to podcasting should be a seamless evolution.

When judging the need to podcast and learn something new, remember that pollsters were surprised to find the many baby boomers are listening to podcasts – they are not reserved for the teenage non-real estate buying markets! Contact IMC’s Realtor website sales team to see how quickly you can boost your sales leads with a real estate web design that incorporates both a real estate blog and podcasting capabilities.

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