NAR Veteran Home Buyer Trends, Are You Positioned?




NAR Veteran Home Buyer Trends, Are You Positioned?

by | Mar 13, 2008 | Real Estate Website Marketing

Keep tabs on the future of the real estate market so your marketing and real estate website are positioned for buyers’ and sellers’ current and future real estate needs. The National Association of REALTORS® has found several trends in real estate trends that may well be determining the future buying trends. Here are a few of their insights:

Top Nine Methods Veteran Home Buyers Look for Property:

  1. Real estate agent – 85%
  2. Internet/real estate websites – 80%
  3. Yard sign – 63%
  4. Newspaper – 55%
  5. Open house – 47%
  6. Homes for sale book or magazine – 34%
  7. Home builders – 26%
  8. Television ads – 11%
  9. Relocation company – 5%

When these real estate veterans contact you, they are looking for specific help from their real estate agents:

  • 53% are looking for help finding the next real estate property,
  • 13% need help with negotiating price,
  • 11% are buyers needing help determining how much of a home they can afford or sellers looking for what market comparables are, and
  • Less than 10% still need help with the paperwork or help in finding financing with a mortgage institution.

The top nine methods of property location help with finding material to add to your real estate website. Make sure your neighborhood news tool is announcing your open houses well in advance. On your community links page, adding links to three local builders you have found trustworthy can help you get positioned with home builder who recommend real estate agents to their clients.

Your real estate website covers the number one reason people contact a real estate agent – looking for real estate. But does your biography cover the benefits of your negotiating skills, which more than 10% of your website visitors are looking for?

The baby boomers have been a force in real estate market for decades and they will continue to affect the market, only now they are predicted to influence it in new ways. The over-building in the Sun Belt was partially in anticipation of the wholesale movement of retiring baby boomers heading to warmer climes. But the effect foreseen in local real estate markets is the increased popularity of single level 2 to 3 bedroom homes. What remains to be seen is if this generations’ wanderlust parlays into an increase in popularity of vacation timeshares.

Using the NAR’s research to round out your own experience in the market can give you insights that are great material to add content to your real estate website and blog. And by anticipating trends, you can spot them earlier when they arrive.


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