Matching Web Design To Business Needs




Matching Web Design To Business Needs

by | Nov 1, 2010 | Real Estate Web Design

Colorado Springs Homes and Real Estate Website DesignHow to match a web design with your business’ online marketing needs?

Custom web designs or templates? Between these two types is the cost-effective semi-custom web design sites.

Most small businesses enter the online marketing world unprepared to make the most of the new advertising media.

To make matters harder, standards and best business practices continue to evolve at a rapid pace compared to the somewhat static marketing practices the print and broadcast industries.

To match your business needs to a web design, first consider what applications your web design will need to incorporate, such as:

  • Content management system for easily adding information or images in a timely manner
  • E-commerce capability,
  • Web gallery or catalog with high use of images,
  • Web forms for secure online gathering of feedback or contact information.

All these applications are wrapped in the graphic design and search engine optimized architecture of your professional business website. IMCD Web Design offers cost-effective business-centric semi-custom web design templates that can be quickly adapted to match your business needs: graphic design to attract potential customers and search engine optimization (SEO) to notify the search engines of your products or services.

Why a semi-custom web design versus a custom website?

While custom web designs offer the greatest ability to mold your online marketing message to your needs and demands, often a semi-custom website can meet the professional graphic design needs with the time-tested template, while customizing the SEO, content and images to your business needs.

Further customization and SEO come with the integration of a blog within the web design. Free blogs may work for entry-level practice, they seldom show up in search engine returns and they drive traffic to the blog host’s website, not your business website. Blogs integrated into your business website add content to your site, alert search engines to your new content, and bring your blog traffic to your site. Free may work for family blogging, but for businesses, you give away too many online marketing advantages to the free blog site host.

Whatever your business web design and application needs, contact IMCD Web Design and put your business on a better Internet marketing footing with our competitive real estate websites , business graphic designs and cost-effective custom web development.


About IMCD Website Design

IMCD’s website designs readily assists clients to gain footage in the race to the top of search engine marketing. Since 1996, IMCD has been creating award-winning, successful websites for professionals from many business fields.

Our award-winning web designer brings a 30-year background in photography and design to our clients. His resume includes work with Fortune 100 & 500 companies in Los Angeles and New York.

For more information about how our web design and development company can help your business, call IMCD at 1-877-999-4623.


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IMCD Web Design was established in 1996 and is a professional web design company providing affordable business & real estate web design and development services for real estate agent websites and business websites. IMCD Websites are built utilizing the latest Mobile Responsive Web Design technology while also being SEO friendly.

IMCD Web Design

Phone: 303-688-1331
Toll Free: 877-999-4623

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