Landing Pages for Real Estate Website Marketing
Landing pages allow real estate agents to send a solid message to target markets, improving the efficacy of their real estate website‘s online marketing strategies. Landing pages are web pages created specifically for a targeted ad campaign or addressing the needs of a particular market. Other online marketing tools such as banner ads or rich-media advertising links to the landing pages.
By linking web traffic from your banner ad to a landing page instead of the home page, real estate agents save their visitors from needing to click over to the main message. The landing page is the natural extension of the marketing message begun in the banner ad. Banner ads, by the nature of their limited size, tend to market in “sound bite” size messages. Their purpose is to excite enough interest that the visitor clicks to go to your website.
IMCD integrates the need for landing pages into its real estate website design. IMCD’s extended Real Estate Marketing package includes landing pages for the home buyer, home seller, investor, new home buyer, mortgage pre-approval and foreclosure property markets. Each page has information specific to your real estate company and that part of the real estate market.
Landing pages serve a further purpose in providing keyword-rich content tightly focused on particular markets giving your website greater keyword targeting exposure in the search engine results. They can also be “buzzword-rich” for the particular market you are addressing.
As with all your marketing web pages, make sure your landing page has attention-grabbing headlines, easy to read paragraphs and a call to action. The tried and true marketing message “Why buy, why buy from me, and why buy now” should be clearly delineated. The idea that you personally solve the web visitor’s problem with some sense of urgency is a message that historically draws the best response.
With external links from your banner ads directed to your landing pages, you build keyword specific marketing avenues fulfilling your overall Internet marketing strategy. With multiple targeted messages online, your website is always positioned to address the popular keywords of the period. With the shake-out in the real estate industry, the foreclosure and distress property sale landing page has become a top draw with home buyers and investors seeking to take advantage of the current inversion of price to value and the questionable future of the dollar’s value.
One way to think of landing pages is going trick or treating with three bags or leaving Santa five stockings with different names at the chimney. Only with no threat of penalties for double dipping! If you are ready to dramatically increase your Internet marketing exposure online, contact IMCD’s sales team today. Our graphic design team’s banner ads coupled with your additional landing pages significantly boost the effectiveness of your online marketing strategy.
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IMCD Web Design was established in 1996 and is a professional web design company providing affordable business & real estate web design and development services for real estate agent websites and business websites. IMCD Websites are built utilizing the latest Mobile Responsive Web Design technology while also being SEO friendly.
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