Competitive Real Estate Web Design

by | Nov 16, 2009 | Search Engine Marketing SEO

Realtors know that a competitive real estate web design is essential to establishing a highly visible online presence and improving their marketing.

With over 80% of home buyers turning to the Internet to search the available homes for sale, it pays to market online…if your real estate website is high on the search engine results.

How can a real estate agent find a real estate web design to compete with the national real estate websites? First, realize it isn’t a hopeless task – search engine rankings are in a constant state of change. found that the top ten real estate sites, for all their search engine results dominance failed to interest 75% of the market.

The reasons for this may be two fold:

  • Home buyers are looking for local companies that show expertise in the market and
  • Searchers are using search terms of three or more words.

Both of these reasons favor personal real estate web designs over national listing websites.

With recent changes in Google’s search algorithm, local companies are given greater visibility. Interestingly, Microsoft’s Bing and Yahoo’s searches already ranked local companies higher in their searches. Now agents have a more level playing field in the search engine most of the market utilizes.

With the evolution of search techniques – people are using more words in their searches – long tail keywords are driving 80% of the traffic most real estate websites receive. The more long tail keywords agents can find for their market – and use – the wider they can cast their online fishing net. Just as in any sales funnel process, the wider the beginning of the funnel, the more people make it to the final sales stages. It is always a percentage game.

IMCD Website Design creates competitive real estate web designs that place clients’ websites on Google’s, Yahoo’s and Bing’s front page. By balancing graphic design, search engine optimization (SEO) for popular and long tail keywords, as well as helpful content for home buyers and sellers, real estate agents are able to utilize effective web designs to fast track their web marketing to profitability.

As recently as a few years ago, no one was using search terms over 5 words long. Now, as web visitors realize how powerful the search engines are at ferreting out specific information, keyword searches using 6 to 8 words has grown to 10% of the online searches.

Contact the SEO specialists at IMC to see how you can improve your online marketing and take advantage of long tail keywords for your market with our successful Agent Select custom and semi-custom real estate web designs.


About IMCD Website Design

IMCD’s website designs readily assists clients to gain footage in the race to the top of search engine marketing. Since 1996, IMCD has been creating award-winning, successful websites for professionals from many business fields.

Our award-winning web designer brings a 30-year background in photography and design to our clients. His resume includes work with Fortune 100 & 500 companies in Los Angeles and New York.

For more information about how our web design and development company can help your business, call IMCD at 1-877-999-4623.


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IMCD Web Design was established in 1996 and is a professional web design company providing affordable business & real estate web design and development services for real estate agent websites and business websites. IMCD Websites are built utilizing the latest Mobile Responsive Web Design technology while also being SEO friendly.

IMCD Web Design

Phone: 303-688-1331
Toll Free: 877-999-4623

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