Are You Reaching Your Real Estate Market’s International Buyers? Real estate agents in markets with international buyers benefit from an Internet marketing presence. A real estate website is your interactive marketing arm that is immune to time zones and...
If Location Matters, How Is There a National Real Estate Market? The national real estate economy, as regularly reported in the news, is a fiction. Several real estate economy fallacies continue to exist that main stream media regularly report and treat as...
Your Real Estate Target Market is Moving! Move With It As a Realtor, how do you position your real estate website to stay relevant in a sea of constant changes? The nature of the real estate market is that it is constantly moving. Houses go up for sale, houses...
Are You Reaching All Your Available Real Estate Markets? The best real estate agent websites are designed to reach many real estate markets, as diverse as the residential and commercial real estate markets, but not necessarily all at once. An effective real...