Advantages of PPC For Real Estate Website Designs
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising has advantages in your overall real estate website design and Internet marketing campaign. IMCD Web Design always uses search engine optimization (SEO) to improve our clients’ ability to rise rapidly in their market’s search engine results. For new websites or agencies looking to boost market share, PPC advertising is a marketing venue that can return great results if done right. It can turn into a costly marketing experience is done incorrectly.
The elements of a PPC campaign parallel in many respects the elements of a successful real estate website design that gains high organic search engine ranking: research of keywords, tracking of keyword traffic and conversions and the creation of web pages as landing pages for specific keyword searches. IMC has a Internet marketing package of pages specifically targeting buyers, sellers and investors, however, with PPC, the marketing targets specific key phrases while also negatively targeting similar keywords that are not your market (a keyword deselection process).
The main advantage of your PPC campaign is that your real estate website can arrive on Google’s first page of search term results much faster. Even the best real estate website design for a new domain name faces two large hurdles: Google’s apparent one year hold on new sites in highly competitive markets and a track record of high traffic volume on the website. External marketing in traditional avenues of radio, TV and newspaper can all serve to drive traffic to your real estate website from your local market, but do not help drive the national and international traffic in Google’s search spectrum.
Where organic search improvement results rely on more static web content or the growth of content on your website, PPC improvements rely on a faster Observe, Orient, Decide and Act loop. With PPC, there is more testing and modification of keyword terms based on the feedback of what terms are driving the most potential sales leads and which terms are generating the most convertible (to customers) sales leads. This observation of results, modification of keyword terms, and ongoing testing allows you to eliminate costly guesswork in your online real estate marketing campaign.
IMCD Web Design works with our real estate website design clients who incorporate PPC in their online marketing campaigns. If rapid high search engine visibility is key to your new real estate brokerage firm or you are interested in getting a greater return on different keywords in your market, contact IMC’s marketing pros to see how you can benefit from a higher online marketing ROI.
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IMCD Web Design was established in 1996 and is a professional web design company providing affordable business & real estate web design and development services for real estate agent websites and business websites. IMCD Websites are built utilizing the latest Mobile Responsive Web Design technology while also being SEO friendly.
IMCD Web Design
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