Add Traffic and Personality to Your Real Estate Website with a Blog

by | Dec 23, 2007 | Real Estate Blogs

Real estate web sites have discovered that adding a real estate blog to their web sites is an effective tool to attract more sales leads. For several years, blogs (web logs) have been getting information onto the web quickly and easily. Often, blogs break stories with first person reporting on the internet before the traditional news sources know a story is developing. Blogs have two strong points for real estate agents: they can post up-to-date relevant real estate market news for potential clients and they keep the search engines interested in your real estate web site’s content.

As a key sales tool in your internet marketing strategy, real estate web sites with blogs position you in your clients mind as not just a real estate agent, but an expert in the business. Your blog educates your client with useful portions of your real estate know-how before you ever meet them. When someone is making a decision on the buying or selling of their home – probably their biggest asset, your credibility and trustworthiness is one of your greatest personal branding assets. Your real estate blog can firmly establish you as the go-to real estate agent in their near future.

Adding to your blog is easy – just put down your thoughts on the current market, real estate market trends in your area and potential invenstment areas for the commercial real estate buyer. Potential blog entries come from answering common questions you get from clients or address a topic that is in the news. Conversational writing is the way to go – simple, informal and to the point! Your entry can be one paragraph or several paragraphs, whatever it takes to convey your thoughts – so don’t worry about writer’s block.

Your postings are a great way to customize your real estate website and build a personal presence with your internet sales leads. Your experience with customers is your hard won asset – tap it and use your conversations as inspiration for your entries. Log on to your website and make entries from home or at work, where ever an inspiration strikes you. Log in for a few minutes from vacation if you are feeling guilty about not being at work!

Once you have gained some experience writing to your real estate blogs, expand your internet presence my making guest entries on other real estate blogs. The back link to your site improves your search engine standing and your thoughts only add to your real estate expert standing!


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